Argentine Bits

One of the most popular shanks for training when leaving the ring snaffle, Argentine snaffles have more control than a ring bit.   Low leverage shanks combine with some curb pressure for more control.  An Argentine bit can also be used with a bit converter, 4 reins, or attach reins to snaffle side of shank loops as needed.

Argentine Snaffle
7/16" Smooth Sweet Iron

Our most popular mouthpiece packs easily for your horse. 
6" Cheeks


Argentine Snaffle
3/8" Smooth Dog Bone Snaffle with Roller

This mouthpiece bends over the bars at a greater angle than a solid or two piece mouthpiece, allowing contact to new nerves for better control.  Copper roller can help calm a nervous horse and add some light tongue pressure for a better head set. 
6" Cheeks, 5" Mouth  

Argentine Snaffle
3/8" 2 piece Medium Twisted
Sweet Iron

(Now with copper twisted with the sweet iron mouth.) This bit has a surprising amount of control.  It is a low leverage shank, but the mouthpiece makes up the difference.  This mouthpiece is a combination of copper & sweet iron creating a very appealing taste to your horse. It increases salivation to soften the mouth. Works with a horse's lips and bars especially if pulled back and forth with each rein. 
6" Cheeks, 5" Mouth   

CC Price:  $99.99
Compare at:  $116.00
CC Price:  $112.99
Compare at:  $128.00
CC Price:  $103.99
Compare at:  $114.99
Item#: Bit-402 5" Mouth
Item#: Bit-402-450 4.50" Mouth
Item#: Bit-402-475 4.75" Mouth
Item#: Bit-402-525 5.25" Mouth
Item#: Bit-402-550 5.50" Mouth

Item#: Bit-405

Item#: Bit-426

Argentine Snaffle
3/8" Smooth Copper

This is a very nice bit if your horse has a "good" mouth.  Low leverage shanks combined with a medium control mouthpiece make an extremely good combination.  
6" Cheeks, 5" Mouth


Argentine Snaffle 7/16" Tapered Sweet Iron Snaffle
Our most popular bit when leaving the ring snaffle and adding some leverage and introducing curb pressure. This new tapered snaffle is made of the same sweet iron as our other bits. It has more mullen relief for more lip pressure and the tapered center adds more tongue relief without any palate pressure.
6" Cheeks, 5" Mouth

Special Order Only


Argentine Snaffle
3/8" Low Port Correction
This bit is a low leverage bit for horses with good control but need more flex at the poll. The three-piece mouth adds tongue pressure and increases the angle of contact on the bars for more control.  Port height is 1¾".  6" Cheeks, 5" Mouth
CC Price:  $108.99
Compare at:  $120.00
CC Price:  $149.99
Compare at:  $149.99
CC Price:  $128.99
Compare at:  $139.00
Item#: Bit-424
Item#: Bit-425
Item#: Bit-429

Pic coming soon. 
Argentine Snaffle
3/8" Sweet Iron Low Port
This is very popular in low leverage bits. This mouthpiece has been added because trainers and riders are finding that solid mouthpieces help control horses that tend to over-flex by keeping their shoulder under them. The low port adds some tongue pressure combined with the small diameter of the mouth to add some control.  6" Cheeks, 5" Mouth
Tom Thumb
(Not an Argentine but often interchanged with them.)
This mouthpiece is curved to create less of a nutcracker effect. A transition bit designed to further educate a horse from the direct control offered by the ring snaffle to the indirect and leveraged control offered by the shank bit. Copper mouth is tasty. Watch for wear, and ride with soft hands.  Jerking the bit can make it severe. The swivel shank offers a slight advantage for lateral control. 
6" Cheeks, 5" Mouth

Sharon Camarillo
Touch Plus

A nice transition bit to introduce the green horse to indirect control added by leverage of the shank and pressure of the curb strap.  Designed for a horse with a sensitive mouth, this bit works off tongue, lip, bar, and curb pressure.  The slightly longer purchase and cheek adds control for rate and supple turns.   Adjust headstall to a slight wrinkle at the mouth and curb to 2 - 4 fingers for the desired control. 
6½" Cheeks, 5½" Mouth

Special Order Only

CC Price:  $99.99
Compare at:  $116.00
CC Price:  $110.99
Compare at:  $136.99
CC Price:  $124.99
Compare at:  $125.00
Item#: Bit-454

Item#: Bit-427

Item#: Bit-732

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