If you are searching for tack built better than most, Reinsman is a great choice.
Reinsman built a prominent reputation with their bits and pads.
The same quality you have come to expect is definitely part of
their leather goods selection.
Every now and
again, you need to change a stirrup. Give some thought to an
upgrade to Reinsman stirrups. Reinsman has western stirrups that
have some high tech slant. Choices of wood, Aluminum or Leather
bound. The popular oversized stirrups too.
Whether you
busted your old one, or you want to try something new, Cultured
Cowboy will be here to ship whatever you need.
If you own a
Reinsman saddle and need a replacement like the ones that came,
just have your madel number ready when you call us. We'll get
those for you too.
Tooling patterns
can match the saddles. Full tooling will "pack" the
leather for durability and strength. Tooling can hide small
"range" scars that are inherent to the leather before it
is formed into a saddle part. Tooling adds depth and beauty to the
leather. Tooling
is just a little more effort to clean than a plain saddle. The more elaborate the tooling design, the more
value, the more time involved in production, and the more your
investment will grow over time.
conchos can be obtained to add a little more decor to your breast
collar. Just let us know if you want more trim than is
shown, or different trim than is shown.
God Bless,
Cultured Cowboy


X Series Wooden Stirrups. This wooden, slanted
stirrup is made with 15 layers of laminated oak wood. The
tread is on an angle which reduces stress on the knees and
hips of the rider. A custom concho attaches to the stirrup
bolt to match the X Series saddles, breast collars and
CC Price: only
has discontinued this stirrup, but Cultured Cowboy has 2 pr
left in stock. Concho on the side is silver floral. No black
inlay, no ruby.
Roper Stirrups. This roping stirrup is made
with a core of oak wood, metal bound for added security.
Natural flint rawhide covers the core, laced by latigo.
Saddle skirting leather completes tread and neck binds. This
is the stirrup that comes standard on all Reinsman roping
CC Price: only
Deep Roper Stirrups. This roping stirrup is
made with a core of the same materials used in better
synthetic saddle trees. Engineered to lighten weight, add
strength and balance. Rawhide covers the core, laced by
latigo. Leather foot pad on tread. Leather neck binds.
Better than the industry standard.
CC Price: only
$89.99 |
Bell Stirrups. 3 inch. This stirrup is made with
the best materials and workmanship. Engineered to lighten
weight, add strength and stability. Leather covers the core,
laced by latigo. Leather foot pad on tread. Leather neck
binds. Better than the industry standard. 4997R - Rosewood
(Trail saddles) color shown. Also 4997H - Honey color.
4997C - Coffee color.
CC Price: New
pic coming
Oversized Bell Stirrups. Fits that rider with an
extra wide footprint. (This may be from your size, or your
boot style.) This stirrup is made with better than industry
standard materials and workmanship. Engineered to lighten
weight, add strength and stability. Leather covers the core,
laced by latigo. Leather foot pad on tread. Leather neck
binds. Better than the industry standard. 4997H -
Honey color shown. Also 4997R - Rosewood (Trail
saddles), . 4997C - Coffee color.
CC Price: only
$79.99 |
Aluminum Bell Stirrups. 2 inch. Very popular with
barrel racers. Reinsman aluminum stirrups are both
lightweight and strong. A long lasting soft rubber tread
keeps your footing secure. Stirrup is made with the best
materials and workmanship. Neck binds. Polished.
CC Price: only
more trail, contest, and pleasure stirrup selections, click
here. Also, we carry the Weaver line of stirrups. And
Tapaderos, as well as other stirrups are available. Call
Cultured Cowboy.