Twisted X Boots

Twisted X Veteran Of Foreign Wars Index Page

        There's a reverence we enjoy in honoring those who have served to protect our parents, us, and our children. Twisted X decided not just to have red white & blue boots, but to honor all who have served our country, and in fact, the world. 

This is vital: Foreign wars - Their service has kept our homeland from events that would have endangered my family and yours!  Personally, I am honored to offer a small part by advertising the pride we all have in our armed forces, our guardsmen, our protectors in known and secretive service. And I will do more!

I think our "American Civil War" impressed the fact that it is better to try our best to negotiate, but as Pres Theodore said, "We gotta carry a big stick!"

Ain't it great that those men & women trained in selflessness, trained in obedient teamwork, also are employed to protect those in disastrous happenings, such as tsunami, hurricane, tornado, famine, and other humanitarian relief! 

Several years ago, I was introduced to EAGALA. An organization using horses to help veterans, and others. From this humble beginning, I have the honor of Certification in Robbins-Madanes Strategic Intervention, Gottman 7 Principles, ICCA Membership, and have understudied the best of the best in Life Coaching.  Frankie F, my friend from 16 yrs old, has been instrumental in my research to help the Vets who have helped us. Frankie is a horseman, has prepared a non-profit to help others, was a Medic - All who served, served. And many are still serving. Almost every night.

Somehow, on a plane trip back home from NYC, I was bumped from back of the plane to 1st Class. Next to me was an executive advisor for our Vets' Administration. As we were on the last leg of our trip, as she closed her laptop, I told her that I did not mean to look over her shoulder, but as I was in study, I saw by her Seal, on that laptop, that she was part of helping our veterans. We had a brief but valuable discussion.

Long Story made short - I was to be drafted and Nixon killed the draft. I went to college rather than Vietnam.  No guilt from this.  BUT, If I can help others in any way, and I now have the tools to assist, I am here to serve those who served my country.  

I understand some of the current traumas of PTSD. I understand the relationship devastation from not having the proper tools to employ. Some 10,000 hours later, and watching lives reframed for the better, I hope you will join me in just a handshake & welcoming word; giving 20 minutes of your life to thank them for making life safe for your children; listening to, asking them, what life means to them; if they had opportunity to share their most valuable wisdom, after all their valuable experience, what would it be; thanking God for them, and their companions, who never made it back to hug their wife, raise their kids, wear that hat, or that lapel pin, give a town speech, lead a protest, or a prayer group.    -  God Bless You All,  ChuckyT.

Twisted X Men's
Veterans Of Foreign Wars
Thank you all for participating in our program. We have one boot left in one size only.

Men's Twisted X Lite Steel-Toe Work Boots

"We're cowboys offering real cowboy boots to cowboys.  We're not another western boot brand designed and developed by shoe people.  We're a cowboy brand living the lifestyle and we still cowboy, now and then, when we're not working on the boot deal.  Our team has a gazillion years experience in the boot business and we've got this deal figured out.  We're makin 'em right." - Twisted X

We've incorporated authentic styling, technology, stability, durability, and comfort into making Twisted X the best overall boot package available.  You might say these are extreme cowboy boots.  You've got better things to worry about than your feet.

Same things are really important for your kids boots. Why would you want to buy them a boot that will create lifelong problems? You don't. Twisted X Kids boots will have the same, or similar technology that has made the boot famous. These Youth Boots are really worth the money!

Twisted X Technology/Cowboy Comfort
Twisted X Kids Boots
Silver Buckle Collection


SD™ Footbed
- Moisture wicking, antibacterial and machine washable -
(Keeps your feet from stinking so much and adds cushioning to dissipate concussion.)

XSD™ Insole
- Patent pending one-piece insole with injected composite X shank for maximum stability -
(Keeps you from twisting an ankle, or losing your balance.)

50K™ Outsole
- Genuine super slab rubber sole -
(Adds some more bounce to your step for less tired legs at the end of a long day and gives good traction on the ground surface.)

We have personally found that Thorlo socks made with Thorlon™ Moisture wicking material, 
will outlast "normal" adult or kids socks 4 to 1.
Lots of terry cloth type knitted cushion where cushion is needed to protect little feet. (Material is concentrated on the bottoms, thinner on the top side, for better fit, and better protection.) A small investment now will pay benefits for years to come! And this is your chance to test our "bragging".  Buy 3 Get the 4th pair half off , Gets you 4 pr at a very fair price!

Why do we offer this, when we could easily make more $ per pair? 
Cultured Cowboy knows that once you try these socks, you, like other loving parents, will be calling again to get more of them. When you first see & feel the value, you'll be glad you did. After they last for long times, you realize the end cost is less than those cheap socks that you have to repair, re-stitch, or throw away all the time. 
(Moms, they feel so good that the kids, of any age, keep up with them.)
You'll soon be getting Thorlos for your whole family.

Click here for the Thorlo styles, colors & sizes.


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