There are tack pictures
loading below as you read. These paragraphs will give you a brief
overview of some of the options you can choose through Cultured
Cowboy and Dakota Saddle. Enjoy!
Breast collars can be
ordered in either rough side out (the flesh side showing for grip
and a rugged appearance), or smooth side out (smooth grain is
easier to tool and clean). There is no extra charge for turning either
smooth or rough side out. Only the smooth side out can be
Choose your color. Any
saddle can be dyed to light oil, golden brown, russet, pro brown
or black. And the same goes for your breast collar. Rough out
parts will be left natural, due to the inconsistencies of dying
the flesh side. But smooth or trim leather can be properly dyed to
Would you like to get a new
saddle that feels like it is used? We will heavy oil any breast
collar for you. We prefer to use Lexol. Lexol will darken less than any
other conditioner. It is PH-Balanced for the leather used in your
saddle. We have been using Lexol on our personal saddles for over
30 years. Add $25.00 for about 1/2 liter of Lexol and some
several hours of application. Lexol is best applied in many thin
layers. To darken slightly, we will add extra virgin olive oil. To
darken more, we will blend in some pure neatsfoot. The choice is
yours! Your breast collar will then come out of the box ready to ride in
ultimate comfort!
Remember that a breast
collar is a great addition to your saddle purchase. Many people
think the breast collar is only to keep the saddle from slipping
back. For a small investment, you can add an emergency measure that could
prevent saddle twisting under your horse, should a girth loosen without
your knowledge. The breast collar helps stabilize the saddle.
Since it goes around the neck, the horses neck will usually only
allow the saddle to slip so far around the side of a horse.
(Unlike the time I was 17, riding, in saddle, on the belly of a young
horse to be saddle broken, at a full bucking run, wondering
whether to let go and get trampled, or stay on as long as I could and
keep getting hit by running hooves, until the animal got tired and
stopped!) Any saddle can have breast collar dees
added. If the saddle has enough area where the girth rigging
ties, you can use the same ring for breast collar tug straps and
girth tie strap. Still, sometimes you may want a higher
positioning of those tug straps, or may want double tug straps for
more security.
Tooling patterns
can match the saddles. Full tooling will "pack" the
leather for durability and strength. Tooling can hide small
"range" scars that are inherent to the leather before it
is formed into a saddle part. Tooling adds depth and beauty to the
leather. Tooling
is just a little more effort to clean than a plain saddle. You can
choose from 1) no tooling, 2) basket stamped 3) spot
carved 4)
trophy tooling. The more elaborate the tooling design, the more
value, the more time involved in production, and the more your
investment will grow over time.
Montana Silver
can be placed in the large parts of scallops, or flat areas, of
your breast collar. Just let us know if you want more trim than is
shown, or different trim than is shown.
We advise
selecting a matching breast collar when placing your new saddle
order. But, we can get replacements, others to go with your other
saddles, or order them after the fact too.
With the experience of
thousands of saddles made for thousands of horse people, Cultured
Cowboy looks forward to helping you with your needs.
God Bless,
Cultured Cowboy
so many Dakota saddles are customized for your needs with
choices of smooth or suede seats, leather color, hoofpick
holders, special trees, special length stirrup leather,
etc., we do not use buy buttons on this part of the
e-mail your requests or call us for a friendly quote on
your “Dream Saddle”. Hundreds and hundreds of
people have found the call well worth their time!
;-) God Bless, Chuck |
Collars |
at Price |
CC Price |
BS-40 plain |
$215.00 |
$199.99 |
BS-23 spot
carve w/basket weave |
$164.00 |
$147.99 |
BS-23 same
w/out rawhide trim |
$154.00 |
$139.99 |
matches 700 saddle tooling |
$174.00 |
$144.99 |
BS-20 plain |
$154.00 |
$139.99 |
BS-20 plain
w/out rawhide |
$144.00 |
$134.99 |
basket |
$164.00 |
$144.99 |
basket w/out rawhide |
$154.00 |
$134.99 |
BS-22 spot
carved |
$164.00 |
$144.99 |
BS-22 spot
carved w/out rawhide |
$154.00 |
$139.99 |
scalloped |
$164.00 |
$145.99 |
scalloped w/ silver conchos |
$247.00 |
$199.99 |
BS-30 plain |
$144.00 |
$124.99 |
basket weave |
$164.00 |
$144.99 |
basket weave w/ silver conchos |
$257.00 |
$239.99 |
Dakota Saddlery -
Saddle Page 1 Saddle
2 Breast
Collars Page 1 Breast
Collars Page 2 Headstalls