Cultured Cowboy Presents


Kitchen / Bath Accessories

Although I might use these as a cutting board, I store one under my toaster oven and under my dish dry rack. The addition of Western lifestyle on my pebble green counter top makes it easier to clean around the toaster and gives a charm to make me smile each morning. The horse head style has been set on edge, leaned against your backsplash area, and really expresses your love of horses. Use a couple canisters right & left, to keep it from falling over as the kids romp! 

Barbwire tempered Glass Cutting Board
Item #HW-9409

Compare at: $24.00
CC Price:  $ 21.99


Brands Tempered Glass Cutting Board
Item #HW-9410

Compare at: $24.00
CC Price:  $ 21.99

Horse Tempered Glass Cutting Board
Item #HW-9407

Compare at: $24.00
CC Price:  $ 21.99


Running Horses Tempered Glass Cutting Board
Item #HW-9402

Compare at: $24.00
CC Price:  $ 21.99
One easy way to start adding horse decor or cowboy decor to a bathroom is to simply use a few bath cowboy towels as accents. You can roll the towels and place them on shelves, or toilet top, as well as on towel holders. I like to mix colors like dk brown/tan, with a cascade of sizes. The rolled towels go next to the whirlpool tub, on my brass shelf unit over the toilet, in a dressing area... Only imagination limits you.  And you can easily change terrycloth as seasons or moods change! Even mixing a red Christmas towel over the barbwire towel.  Your guests will be impressed. 


Brands Bath towels
Item #HW-7310

Compare at: $44.00
CC Price:  $ 34.99


Brands Dark Brown Bath Towels
Item #HW-7410

Compare at: $44.00
CC Price:  $ 34.99

Barbwire Bath Towels
Item #HW-7309
Compare at: $44.00
CC Price:  $ 34.99


Barbwire Dark Brown Bath towels
Item #HW-7409

Compare at: $44.00
CC Price:  $ 34.99

Running Horses Bath Towels
Item #HW-7302
Compare at: $44.00
CC Price:  $ 34.99


Running Horses Dark Brown Bath Towels
Item #HW-7402
Compare at: $44.00
CC Price:  $ 34.99


I use a marbled green side of leather for my dining room tablecloth. Found it in Denver at a leather trade show. The tanner said he had sold none of that color so I got his sample. back. Using these placemats where food is actually eaten, on top of the leather, sets mood and makes clean up easy. Also, It stops sop many stains, and any worry I have about really using my leather tablecloth.

Barbwire Reversible Placemats and Coasters
Item #HW-7209
Compare at: $16.00
CC Price:  $ 14.99
Quality placemat plastic with decor that will tickle your fancy! 


Brands Reversible Placemats and Coasters
Item #HW-7210
Compare at: $16.00
CC Price:  $ 1499
Quality placemat plastic with decor that will tickle your fancy! 


Horse Reversible Placemats and Coasters
Item #HW-7207
Compare at: $16.00
CC Price:  $ 14.99
Quality placemat plastic with decor that will tickle your fancy! 


Running Horses Reversible Placemats and Coasters
Item #HW-7202
Compare at: $16.00
CC Price:  $14.99 
Quality placemat plastic with decor that will tickle your fancy! 


Kitchen Hand Towels
Item #HW-7102 Running Horses
Item #HW-7109 Barbwire

Item #HW-7110 Brands
Compare at: $25.00
CC Price:  $ 19.99


Be sure to look at more Moss Brothers Cowboy Lifestyle home decor to enjoy. 
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