Cumberland Outfitters

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Spring/Summer 2008
Boys and Girls Western Shirts

In an effort to give more people the opportunity to purchase your boy's Western shirts and Girls' Western blouses before they get all sold out, we have gotten a copy of the salesmen's catalog. The pictures of the shirts are very representative of the shirts and blouses offered. Color Tones are usually brighter than the pics indicate. (The cowboy shirts look a lot  better than the drawings.) By the time we could get models and everything, 1/3 of the sizes in the best styles get sold.  Order yours ASAP.  (Charts in the pics show the sizes available in prepacks offered to stores. You can order as many or as few as you need. Ya doesn't hafta get a dozen!) Thanks and God Bless,  Cultured Cowboy.

Western fashion children's shirts for 4-H, rodeo, horse shows, FFA, or just a great look for school. Snap fasteners on most shirts.

Sizes, Boys or Girls:  XS, S, M, L

Boys Western Shirts
Some look like Daddy's. Some are especially for youth! All are a great value.

Item # 125960BK - Snaps
Running Gunmen, or Posse Border Print
Compare at: $30.00
   CC Price: $24.99
Item # 125975KA - Snaps
Southwestern Border Print
Compare at: $30.00
   CC Price: $24.99

Item # 125972BN - Snaps
Bullriding Border Print
Compare at: $30.00
   CC Price: $24.99
Item # 125915BL - Snaps
Western Border Print
Compare at: $30.00
   CC Price: $24.99
Item # 125821NV - Snaps - Short Sleeves
Horse Herd Border Print
Compare at: $27.50
   CC Price: $21.99

Item # 125928BL - Snaps
Southwestern Border Print
Compare at: $30.00
   CC Price: $24.99
MARCH 2008
Delivery Schedule on this group.
Pre-Orders are accepted. 
Item # 125984RD - Snaps
Running Horses Border Print
Compare at: $30.00
   CC Price: $24.99

APRIL 2008
Delivery Schedule on this group.
Pre-Orders are accepted. 
Item # 125856RD - Snaps - Short Sleeves
American Rodeo Border Print
Compare at: $27.50
   CC Price: $21.99
Item # 125809KA - Snaps - Short Sleeves
Bullriding Border Print
Compare at: $27.50
   CC Price: $21.99
Item # 125879WH - Snaps - Short Sleeves
Southwestern Border Print
Compare at: $27.50
  CC Price: $21.99

Girls Western Shirts
In Carolina, we say, "Nothin' could be finer..." In all of America,  "Now is the time for all good Daddies to come to the aid of their daughters!" 
Sizes, Boys or Girls:  XS, S, M, L

Item # 524320LM - Snaps
Lime Plaid, Fancy Yoke
Compare at: $30.00
   CC Price: $24.99
Item # 524320PK - Snaps
Pink Plaid, Fancy Yoke
Compare at: $30.00
   CC Price: $24.99
Item # 524386PK - Snaps
Pink Print, Fancy Yoke, Cap Sleeves
Compare at: $27.50
   CC Price: $21.99

MARCH 2008
Delivery Schedule on this group.
Pre-Orders are accepted. 

Item # 524397BN - Buttons
Easter Browns Plaid, Fancy Yoke, Cap Sleeves
Compare at: $27.50
   CC Price: $21.99
Item # 524397PK - Buttons
Easter Pinks Plaid, Fancy Yoke, Cap Sleeves
Compare at: $27.50
   CC Price: $21.99
Item # 524168WH - Snaps
Floral Print, Western Yokes, Sleeveless
Compare at: $27.50
   CC Price: $21.99


Item # 524388PK - Snaps
Easter Pink & Browns Plaid, Bling Yoke, Cap Sleeves
Compare at: $27.50
   CC Price: $21.99
APRIL 2008
Delivery Schedule on this group.
Pre-Orders are accepted. 
Item # 524388BL - Snaps
Easter Blues Plaid, Bling Yoke, Cap Sleeves
Compare at: $27.50
   CC Price: $21.99

Spring 2008 Mens Shirts    Spring 2008 Ladies Blouses    Spring 2008 Boys & Girls Shirts

Looking for something you don't see? Call us and we'll gladly search for it. Inside our Greenwood, SC store, we carry many other children's shirts, T-Shirts and blouses. Sometimes we buy such a  run of assortments that we can't really get them all on the website. However, we can look through our current inventory, and search catalogs for a great match to your needs.   God Bless,  CC

See the 2007 Series - limited selections in borderprints, colorblocks, and knits remaining. Everything else is OK! 
Cumberland Outfitters
  |  Borderprints  |  Colorblocks  |  Prints, Solids, Knits  |  Ely Cattleman

Ladies Western Shirts  |   Boys and Girls Shirts

Contact Us! 1-864-223-3700 or 1-866-492-6926 Toll Free