Ride with confidence—A certified equestrian helmet is the smartest way to protect yourself while riding. While no helmet will prevent all injuries, you’re far less likely to suffer a serious head injury if you’re wearing a helmet with ASTM / SEI certification. Every helmet Troxel sells meets that standard.

Among Our most fervent riders (people who ride 6 or more times a year), 13% have been hospitalized with a riding injury. Your level of expertise doesn’t protect you: The risk of injury is tied to cumulative riding time, not level of expertise. - From Troxel's website.

Anyone can have an accident. The trail suddenly changes. Wldlife jumps out of nowhere. The fence trips our horse. A horse kicks out at another while you're feeding two of them. Anything can happen, and happen fast. 20% of accidents happen during non-riding activities, or as a bystander. Wear your helmet when around horses even if you are not mounted.

Troxel has been spending as much effort on comfort as safety, so people will wear these helmets. And for that, we applaud their efforts.

When you take a fall, a certified helmet absorbs energy by its crushing, and extending your heads stopping time to reduce the peak impact on the brain significantly. Head injuries are the most common reason for equestrian-related hospitalization and fatal injuries.

The helmets are built to compress and fracture on serious impact. A broken helmet is not a sign of a faulty one — in fact, they may crush or crack as they absorb the energy that could otherwise cause you serious injury.


You will enjoy this helmet. Who says one riding helmet is enough anyway?     God Bless,   Cultured Cowboy.  


It isn't often we refer you to other's sites, but in this case: 1) it is an informative site with blog, news bits, tips and kid stuff. 2) we have their permission to send you! Troxel Safety Center is the most comprehensive and up to date collection of equestrian safety helmet information available online. Promote your best safe riding practices.   Visit:  , then come back and order from Cultured Cowboy! 



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