Resistol Ride Safe Hats
Western Hats with Riding Protection in Mind

Trail riders can Ride with a Brim.   With the popularity of riding helmets adding some protection for both English & Trail riders, it was only a matter of time before a riding helmet with a broad brim would come about!  

Resistol has developed this model. You still get broad brim protection from weather, (sun & rain) with some extra padding in case of a fall. Everyone is cautious about stating this as a "safety helmet". It probably could be, and should be further developed as technology allows.  But it is a great start!

Probably, the Troxel trail helmets, and "converted hockey helmets" used in rough stock could be better choices. However, when cowboy / cowgirl looks are important, Resistol offers this alternative.

There has been a long competitive history between Stetson Hats and Resistol Hats, American, Bailey, and many other brands. Just as innovation followed innovation to make the great American Cowboy hat, there is innovation being developed in a safer alternative for riding. 

Cultured Cowboy is proud to offer you the Ride-Safe Western Hat. The headgear liner is fabricated from Polystyrene and designed to absorb the shock of an impact by partial destruction of the shell & liner. 

How to fit your size.  Resistol Western hats are normally available In Sizes:  6 3/4 - 7 5/8, (some in 6 1/2, 6 5/8 and 7 3/4). Hat sizes kinda sort of go by ruler sizes, but the confusion comes in a size 6 1/2 is not 6 1/2 inches around. If you are not sure of your size, just take a soft ruler tape and measure around your head where you prefer it to fit. Most people will go around the biggest part of the back of their head, and be about 2 to 3 fingers (turned sideways) above their eyebrow.  We can convert these inch measurements to your hat size for you. You want to be able to pull your hat down in a windstorm, but wear it a little more loose in normal weather. Some people like to tilt it back a little when they relax. Then wear it more square when business need to be done! There is a hat fitting chart at the bottom of this page.

Also, have a friend look at the top of your head and see if it is shaped round like a ball, like an egg, square looking, or like a round oval race track. This helps us to choose the best fit for your hat. 

These RideSafe systems have a dial to fine tune your fit. If in doubt, go large. They are basically a long oval, come with padding, but may be padded further to take up space for heads that are not perfectly the same shape as the inside of these hats.  THEY DO NOT STEAM & SHAPE as far as Oval goes. The brim can be steamed & adjusted some.

How About Hat Bands? The hatband here is a protective one. Hatbands will need to be custom built to fit properly. Probably, a hot glue gun or E-6000 would be best applicators.  

How do I care for My Hat? Hats are as much fun to own as they are to buy. Click here to take a look at cleaners, stiffners, hat racks, boxes, brushes and such. Because we have spent 30 years cleaning hats, just give us a chat to ask what you might need if you are not sure. You will be amazed how nice they look with a simple brim brushing. After every so many rainstorms, you may need to apply another light coat of hat stiffener. Always remember that like painting a car, you want to use a lot of light coats. Heavy coats will matt down the finish of your felt. 

Any other questions? Just write them down and shoot us an email. It's your questions that wind up as comments on the Cultured Cowboy site.


We stock a lot of hats, most major brands. And there are sometimes a favorite hat or two you are trying to get again. Usually, when a style is changed, it is a color that is a little bit special, or just the hatband is changed. Be sure to call us (at the numbers below, bottom of page) and we can guide you through any selection process.  You can find your favorite hats below, or we might can have one of these reshaped just to your preferences. 

Resistol is offering a good quality fur, and a good quality straw in the Ride Safe Hats. Clean them often, as you would any other sport helmet. A mild soap like Dawn can be used to clean sweat & grime from the inner hat linings & adjustments. Clean the fur & straw as you normally would. Waterproofing made for fur hats should not be a problem to apply to the exposed felt areas. Likewise, hat lacquers on the straw.

Know that whichever hat you choose, Cultured Cowboy will give you the most value for your hard earned dollars.

The selections of Resistols have gotten so nice. We increased the sizes of those pics and here we give several views to help you with your purchasing decisions.   God Bless!

Resistol Hat Felt Ride Safe Hat Collection - Wearing Resistol means wearing the Best of the best in cowboy hats. 

UPDATE - At this time, only the smaller XS & S sizes are available.
We hope more will be available soon.

PLEASE call us for a current price.  

Resistol "Ride Safe" Felt Hat with some safety features built in. An alternative to the Safety Helmets for Riding 
that looks like a Cowboy hat! 

Sized: Sm 6 3/4 - 7 ,   Med 6 7/8 - 7 1/8 ,   Lg 7 1/8- 7 3/8 ,  XL 7 1/2- 7 5/8
An adjustable dial helps with the sizing. 


The bottom pic of Ride Safe
allows you to see the adjustable straps come through slots & such for a secure hold. Slots are offset enough to stay comfortable on your ears.  Straps are quite adjustable to better fit your whole head.

 Inner linings are sport type to allow air to flow.



Comfort foam allows protection & a softer feel.

Straps are adjustable for your comfort & fit.

Here you can see the adjustment system
which helps better fine tune your fitting.

Easy to fasten & release your padded 
chin strap.



Another close view of the inner - rear.


Another view of the dial to fine tune fit system.

Top View shows the outer foam ring. This hat is comfortably lighter weight than you might imagine.
Materials have been selected for your balance of comfort aspects on long rides, as well as safety features. 



    Hat Fitting Chart :  If you have a soft ruler, or tailor's tape, just measure around your head where it feels comfortable. If not, use a string around your head, then measure the string. 


USA Metric
X Small 6 1/2 ,  6 5/8  52cm ,  53cm
20 3/8"  ,  20 3/4
Small 6 3/4 ,  6 7/8 54cm ,  55cm
21 1/8"  ,  21 1/2"
Medium 7       ,  7 1/8 56cm ,  57cm
21 7/8"  ,  22 1/4"
Large 7 1/4 ,  7 3/8 58cm ,  59cm
22 5/8"  ,  23"
X Large 7 1/2 ,  7 5/8 60cm ,  61cm
23 1/2"  , 23 7/8" 
X X Large 7 3/4 62cm
24 1/4"

Hat Care Products  |  HatBands

 Hats Index  |   Resistol Premium  Felt Hats  |  Resistol George Strait Hats, PRCA & USTRC Hats  |  Resistol Best Wool Felt Hats  |  Jason Aldean Hat Collection

Resistol Felt Youth Hats  |  Resistol Straw Hats

"How to Place your Orders with us or,    Buy it Now " * Email or Call us to Order! 1-864-223-3700 or 1-866-492-6926 Toll Free  *