Dakota Trail Saddles

What is a trail saddle, anyway? It is a saddle you expect to feel comfortable when you are in that seat for long hours at a time. The material Dakota uses for padding our Cultured Cowboy saddle seat is not cheap carpet foam like many of the other "value priced" saddle brands out there. Oh yeah, and there is no pressed paper lining the skirts where leather is supposed to be. The finished top layer will not peel off, because there are not lots of 1/16 inch thin layers glued together. You get real leather! Years from now, you will enjoy the same comfort as when the saddle was new. 

This one is shown with border tooling, and with trail rings attached to the tree for holding all your gear. Choose suede or top grain seat. (Pictured with a popular black top grain seat.) Smooth fenders and jockeys shown. Sure enough, easy to clean! Or, flip it rough side out for more security. And these fenders are shown as "teardrop" type that make it easier to turn & flex for shorter legs, or arthritic knees. The horn is there, but not so tall as to get in the way. That 5 inch cantle will help hold you in the seat on steep upgrades. Comes with 4 strings. This skirt design gives much freedom to both horse and rider. Add crouper rings, breaching rings, front dees placed high on the pommel if you choose. I do recommend thinking about one of our better fleece options: thicker synthetic, or real sheepskin. Let us know your inseam and we will be sure that the stirrups will fit. A flex tree is used for this saddle. This allows the saddle to fit almost every horse you ride. As you tighten the girth, the saddle goes to fitting the rib cage! This is engineered to give for the horse and rider to alleviate unnecessary pressures while riding. An In-skirt rigging lets your leg lay close to your horse. Plenty of room in the thigh area. Life doesn't get much better than all this! Let us talk with you about your Dream Saddle!

Definitely one of our "Best Seller" Saddles 

No. DAK-213 Custom Trail Saddle

  • TREE: Steele Equi-Fit Fiberglass Covered Flex Tree Quarterhorse Bars or Semi bars available. Evolution Arab bars and others too. - 10 Year Warranty
  • HORN: 3 1/2" Leather Covered
  • CANTLE:  5"
  • RIGGING:  Stainless Steel In-Skirt Drop
  • STIRRUP LEATHERS: 2 1/2" with Blevins Buckles
  • STIRRUPS: Aluminum Endurance shown. Bells also available.
  • FINISH:  Petal Border Tooling.
  • COLOR: Dark Golden Brown Shown
  • WEIGHT:  Approximately 30 Pounds

NOTE: The reasons Pricing is left off:  1) Dakota  asked us not to advertise our low pricing.  2) Almost all of these saddles are customized for you, and the Low Pricing must be figured depending on the many options chosen.  Thanks!

Seat Sizes

Compare At:

Our CC Price

13", 14", 15", 16"





Other sizes Call us $

Below is just one possibility of how your 213 custom trail saddle can be constructed. This model is using the beautiful 208 roper tooling pattern. The rear ring is placed on a slight angle to enable either the use of flank set, (which billet has been brought forward in these pics, but will hang straight down, on your horse. ) or to tie your girth in a center fire method. Center fire allows easy fit on many horses that might otherwise be a little hard to keep your saddle in place. The fleece used here was a special dyed, almost pin look. (no longer available - except this particular saddle, you will have your usual yellow fleece color in either heavy duty synthetic fleece, or real sheepskin. This saddle has the NASA seat foam. As you see. it is a more dense "temperpedic bed" sort of material that takes the shape of your bottom. Great for any lower back injuries, such as a previously broken coccyx bone. Still, it has a "normal" look - not a lot of layers of seat foam stacked! Bicycle seat with perforated leather (easy circulation of air) seat.   Hoof Pick/Knife holder on flank billet. Bell stirrups.  Dark Golden BRown that we have conditioned with Lexol, then handrubbed with extra-virgin olive oil, then sprayed with a protective saddle lacquer to further protect your leather. (You will see some variation in the depths of the leather once this is done. In about a week, any light areas in the middle of dark, such as shown on the cantle back, will even out. You will maintain the "two toned" look of the depths of the saddle leather, even after everything "layers out".  You will love this "Old West" look!


Our Price:  

Our CC Prices are Too Low To Advertise.  Dakota requested that we not post our actual delivered prices.   We will deliver more saddle value for the buck than anyone; because, we know more about riding, and fitting saddles than most! (No brag, just fact!)

Really, with all the many options available, these saddles are hard to price without a conversation anyway.  Just one option is whether you want the conventional rigging shown, or if you want to tilt the rear ring so the saddle can be used as center fire rigging as well as conventional.  Thanks, Chuck

And don't forget about a matching breast collar with your saddle! Cultured Cowboy carries a full complement of tack and accessories for you and your horse.

 Please e-mail or call us for a friendly quote on your “Dream Saddle”. 

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