Hope for Today

Feb 2024  

A few years ago I wrote a letter entitled "Hope for the Future". 

Little did any of us foresee the Covid pandemic, the huge rise in inflation, the feelings of entitlement from several sectors of people, ...

The more things change, and seem overwhelming, the more we have to adopt strategies. 

Never forego your values. Never give up on God. Never, never, never quit! There is always hope.

As several of the major companies have changed ownership, changed styling, changed products, Cultured Cowboy has strived to continue providing semi-custom & custom made handcrafted boots for your enjoyment. 

We like the square toe boots for those with wide toes. We like the round roper toes for traditional wear. We even appreciate the J toe boots for ease into & out of a stirrup. Yet what we appreciate most is the dedication & hard work of so many companies who are carrying forward great quality with some innovation. (Did I forget the popular R toe?)

Bragging on R Watson - We now have a boot for the Pilots & Patrolmen who desire a shine on a black boot that has some traction & a carbon fiber shank that doesn't ring off at airport security.

Bragging on Fenoglio - Crepe soles are back!  Vibram makes durable and comfortable soles that so many loved as "Technocrepe".  We have full quill & smooth ostrich in stock. We have oil pullup leathers that are perfect fro horsemanship.

Bragging on Hondo - They are expanding their capabilities and holding their quality standards.

We can even do a little bragging on Tanner's Mark & Cowtown boots for providing rattlesnake prints on full leather boots. So many Boot companies are importing from Mexico; AND Los Altos (A primarily Mexican company has a factory in California! Real exotics - hand made.

Seratelli - We have several popular felt colors in their new 10X series. Felts will come in a hair thicker that before. Their 10X will compare to Hatco's 20X series.  Finally we are beginning to have high quality fur felts for 2024. (Russia & Ukraine had destroyed the fur factories in their disputes.) 

And straws are getting easier to find too. Resisitol & Stetson send us updates of availability every week or two. We have several 7 3/4 in stock. Can't get anything larger than that at this time.

Rock & Roll Denim has a men's jean - "Pistol" that has become our "go to denim for going out. AND we now have polar fleece lined denim coats! We've been waiting for years to get a great lined denim coat. You can have it now! Made by Wyoming Traders!

Back to HOPE: I hope all of you are able to expand your LOVE. The more you give, the more grace you feel.  Extend it to your co-workers, your suppliers, your clients, your family, the person next to you in checkout lines, the person handing you fast food at the drive thru, and certainly extend love to the person you meet on the street as you pass by. - A smile can make or break someone's day.

I thank God for the medical staff that provided care so that the personal cancer is gone. I thank God for the strength to still fix some fence early morns before I come to the store. I thank God for friends like you who share so much of life with me.

Kudos to a 49'ers fan who gave me a SF patch just before the superbowl! And to my fellow life coach, Patricia' who is such an avid Kansas City resident.  

I pray for the politicians. Don't mind giving them some opinion & hope you will too. They need some viewpoints that oppose some of our policies so they can make better decisions for our nation & the world. 

I pray for the many lives that have shared times with me : Ex-wives & inlaws, kids of mine & employees, and customers, I watched grow over the decades, Now great grands are coming in for boots like I sold their great grandparents, grandparents & parents.     God has blessed us with love.

SO, along with the V-Day candy, puppies, cards, & kisses, share kind words to someone who might not have heard a kind word for a while -   "As you did to the least of these, so did you to me" - Jesus in the Bible. 

Have a great month!  God Bless You All,

Chuck Taylor
    *   1 (864) 223-3700 or 1 (866) 492-6926 toll free  *