Statistics show
that in the next week, half of the 80% of people who made New
Years Resolutions will quit.
Are we making
dreams that are too hard to accomplish? Probably not. Most
likely, we don't understanding that the biggest hopes begin and
progress thru small achievable steps toward our goals.
Cultured Cowboy
did not begin as it is today. It began as a sideline of my horse
training career. Got the idea that people who visited my
training would need a halter, bridle, brush, wormer; and I could
serve them between horse rides.
Fast forward -
I barely have time to ride my horses for the store's time
requirements! Yet, I love it.
There were a
lot of "baby steps" between the idea of a store for
extra part time income, and being one of the leading
Western/English tack, Motorcycle & Fashion Leather retailers
in the Southeastern USA.
Our name was
Walking T Stables & Tack because the stables'
accomplishments were known so well in the 1970's horse show
arenas. Our insurance company said they had to drop us because
the store & the stables together, were a problem for
Asking if we separated
the two facets, could we stay insured, ... Yep! That
stable name "could not" be altered. ( Today, almost
nobody cares about the stable name.)
SO we hung a poster paper on the door: We gotta change our
store name for insurance purposes. Please check the one you
like, or write in something better. My wife at the time, Lynne
thought Cultured Cowboy was good. It should allow the idea of
English & Western riding to blend. (And I was in college
trying to get some culture!)
Cultured Cowboy
got all the checkmarks!
Over the years,
Cultured Cowboy has had multiple storefronts in several cities,
but all those stores ran me crazy. We tried mail order
catalogues and I lost a lot of money because of production &
(mostly) distribution costs. We had a straping tall guy
come in and ask us, "What about the Internet?"
Needless to
say, we were the first Western store online. At the time, we
built the first website for Chrysler/Dodge, for Wolverine
Worldwide & hundreds of others. Needless to say, once
a big company sees it works, they hire their own staff. So we
went back to a single store with Internet presence.
The first
quarter online was an experience! We had buy buttons, And
we had challenges. WE sold so much stuff ... And the returns
were horrendous. (Example: Than you for the custom
leather coat you made for us. The pictures turned out great.
Please refund our $2500.00 as we no longer need it. We called
out credit card company to let them know.)
Then, An
Internet scam stole $12,500.00 from us by using computer
generated Visa/MC numbers that went through V/MC procedures.
Visa/MC charged back all the money AND charged us another
$13,800 because we were scammed, to protect their interest. -
Learning experiences.
We took down
the buy buttons. Calls kept coming & emails. By being
personal, we have been able to 1) help over ten thousand people
have the wedding of their dreams. 2) meet, learn, & confer
with some of the industry leaders in almost every aspect of
horsemanship & rodeo. 3) help super star entertainers, and
those who dreamed of becoming so, to relax into who they really
are. 4) celebrate wins & near wins in tens of thousands of
lives.5) Spread the Gospel, share the good news of LOVE with
more people than we can count!
All while
avoiding so many problems we had to learn through.
2025 &
Cultured Cowboy:
We have a bid in on another section of
woods, to build a larger store. Gotta get all kinds of permits
& approvals. When most 69 yr olds are quitting, I'm just
getting started. I had a friend who commented, "when
it's too tough for everybody else, it's just getting right for
Dallas Trade Show is in a week. We'll be with other leaders in
this industry to map out what is needed for all of you over the
next 3 months to 3 years!
We scaled down
for Covid & the finalities of the past few years. Now
Cultured Cowboy is moving forward again.
Our Ad budget
will include national magazines, the website,
newspapers, and some special events.
We will
continue to train, to learn, to be an important part of more
lives. We will share our knowledge with you. We committed to
more hat machinery for refurbishing Western hats. If the larger
location comes through, we will look into custom boot making
with our expanded leather shop.
Locally, we
will stock even more workboots along with our dress boots.
Worldwide, we will be trying to re-establish / enhance old
relationships and establish new relationships.
Many of you
know, my other career is as an Executive Coach, a Team Coach,
last year, I was voted top ten facilitator with the World
Business & Executive Coaching Summit. Top15 the year
previous. With bringing more independent contractors &
partnerships with Cultured Cowboy, I'll be able to have more
time to devote to my Life Coaching.
So, with all
these dreams, will there be time to enjoy being me? Yep, I
thrive on the helping other people get what they want out of
life. By doing this, I get to enjoy my life!
MAYBE, for
2025, you could share with me, a resolution to help better the
lives of others. To contribute to others, beyond SELF, not
expecting a "Fair" return for horsetrading, but
helping for the sake of helping. It is a higher calling. YOU are
up to the challenge!
Let's enjoy
2025 together!
God Bless you all, Chuck Taylor
Does anyone
else consider the "holiday season" to begin with
Thanksgiving, or Hanukah, (depending on the year) and flowing
though the great V-Day? With all the dreary skies of a
North American Winter, isn't it a relief to have all these
opportunities to touch the lives of friends & family?
In year's past,
Cultured Cowboy has gotten into lingerie and candy for
Valentines Day. What we (I) discovered was: I ate way too much
of the chocolate. And it's hard to sell clothing that
embarrasses you. So this year, 2023, we'll stick to
tack, saddles, boots , belts & clothing for daytime
Well, I'm
ready for V-Date Day to happen. Yet, life can get confusing. I'm
pondering what to get my youngest boy, just turned 15 now. He
still likes chocolate. Not ready fro driving a truck yet. Maybe
a promise of driving lessons this Summer. (And a chocolate treat
for now.) How about the oldest son? I thinking that giving
him some valuable time together might be best. He stays so busy.
The middle male now has a serious girlfriend. I'm sure he's not
thinking of a step dad!
daughter? Definitely chocolates. And a handwritten letter of
love. She's eleven and has been a wonderful addition to my 66
year old soul. Oldest daughter? Has a great family with an
understanding hubby. "I'm so proud!" Gotta think of
something unexpected?
There are so
many friends I can't possibly list them all, or call them all.
Maybe that's why we should love them all during everyday of our
year. Ex-wives? I'll think about them, and reflect on times we
shared. But even that can get me into trouble. Current
female companion? I don't know if she would appreciate the
chocolate as much as another few bags of k9 feed.
Some ladies are
like that. - But guys - Ya better do something in addition to
that kennel ration! Or face sleeping in the
"doghouse" yourself.
How can I show
a little extra love for my Lord? Betcha, He's appreciate
some quiet time together. And perhaps an offering to contribute
to a homeless shelter, or food bank. MAybe include Him in more
of my daily conversations with you guys too!
And what about
parents? grandparents? Certainly a phone or better, a Zoom call.
Could I have something special delivered to their home if I
can't make it myself? What about a note of appreciation
for all they have done for all of us? What if getting
closer to siblings might make a Mom or Dad happy?
I believe we
are all smart enough to challenge ourselves to deliver true love
along with a token gift. By token, I mean representative, not
something without sincere meaning.
Cultured Cowboy
understands that a great workboot or a barn boot can make our
clients smile. Maybe a new stable or turnout blanket for the
horse. (We just restocked. It's gonna be at least 6 more weeks
of cold)
necklaces are a good idea. We don't normally have diamonds but
we do have pearls in our wedding case. A warm coat might
be good for your special someone, as well as the horse. Those
Key, hooded jackets and those Australian dusters are
I just
remembered - we now have "jeweled boots".
And flowered boots. Check out Arlos boots for
ladies. One year, Cultured Cowboy gave out roses to
our female customers. Yes, Free! Yes real red ones!
Over 200 of them! And what about a floral
tooled Western belt? That's an idea!
So, in summary,
I think the most important thing is to spread the love as much
as we can. Short notes. Maybe short video calls. Let
people know you care. Maybe a Facebook or LInkedIn
something? And for those most special, take the time to listen.
Listen with the intention of caring about their feelings, their
conflicts, their dreams, their needs.
Valentines Day
can become a true day of giving. Giving you, giving for your
Lord. And taking in all the emotions available through the
Happy Day & Happy Happy Season.
You are a person of value & worth.
God Loves You, and I love you.
Taylor, Jr